The Knowledge Exchange

We debated some of the most interesting topics of the day. These facilitated roundtable workshops were designed to encourage discussion and facilitate learning from your peers.

Featuring the popular Hackathon from 2023 as well as roundtable discussions from the CIPD Trust and more.

Our 'Hackathon' was designed to harness the collective wisdom and expertise of delegates across all stages of the event, addressing an overarching question that ties into the festival's content. Twice a day, we invited you to participate in these 1.5-hour interactive sessions. The format included a 10-minute briefing, a 65-minute discussion, and a 15-minute outcomes session. You engaged with fellow professionals, thought leaders, and industry experts, as we explored the seven stages of the show: Workplace Transformation, Responsible Business, Wellbeing, Employee Experience, L&D, Internal Comms, and EDI. We completed our goal to gather a comprehensive set of outcomes that reflect the collective knowledge and expertise of our diverse audience. The outcomes generated during the Hackathon were displayed on a dedicated board, fostering further engagement with the audience both during and after the show. This was an exciting opportunity to be part of a transformative shared learning experience, shaping the future of work and driving meaningful change. Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Hackathon and contributed to the conversations that will leave a lasting impact! It's the next level of discussion!

Building on the discussions from the CIPD's Trust sessions, we had two round table sessions to further explore key topics on responsible business practices and inclusivity in the workplace. The first session, continuing from the Responsible Business Stage presentation, delved into practical strategies for aiding refugees in translating their skills to the UK job market, ensuring they can thrive professionally. The second session, following the EDI Stage presentation, focused on effective methods to support individuals with convictions in re-entering the workforce. Both sessions provided opportunities to engage with expert panels and you discussed actionable solutions to foster inclusive employment practices.

People Library

There are many ways that we learn and a big part of this is through storytelling!

This is not a normal library! Our human ‘books’ we're available for our visitors to ‘check out’ during the show. You had the chance to get real one-to-one insights from people with a broad range of experience within and around the people profession.

Hearing these first-hand experiences facilitated conversation and another opportunity for shared learning at the CIPD Festival of Work. There was no limit, you were able to check out as many ‘books’ as you liked during your time with us, and with such a broad range of topics, we're you able to find your favourite ‘best-seller’!

AI Lab

New for 2024, the AI Lab offered an interactive environment which encouraged collaboration. Brought to you in partnership with Mesmerise Group, this immersive feature helped prepare you and your team for the AI-enabled workforce. You discovered how to boost innovation and creativity and demystify AI - together we separated the myths from reality!

Social Impact Hub

This year we introduced a Social Impact hub. This new and engaging feature took place on the festival floor, and was perfectly positioned alongside the ever popular Wellbeing village. The village itself experienced a high level of footfall and social media coverage and we found that the hub benefited from this footfall and worked in harmony with the Wellbeing village.

The Social Impact hub was designed to create an engaging and interactive space. Allowing attendees to think beyond day-to-day workplace challenges. Fostering an environment where you can consider what you as individuals or your organisations can do, to have a positive impact on people, communities, the environment, healthcare and even education and job creation. As a result of an action, inaction, activity, project, programme or policy.

Employment law drop-in clinic

In partnership with CIPD HR-Inform, visitors were able to take advantage of free employment law legal advice, whether this is something affecting their business or themselves personally. These free, 20-minute meetings with a legal advisor could have been pre-planned at a time that suits you during your visit, or you could have simply dropped by and spoken with a professional.

Wellbeing Village

Wellbeing is a topic still high on everyone's agenda. We also appreciate that attending an event can be very tiring, so it is important that you’re able to take the time to reflect on learnings, or simply to relax! The Wellbeing Village was here for you. As well as talks and advice on all aspects of mental and physical health, there were breathing workshops, mindfulness exercises and financial advice. If you wanted to get the blood pumping a little more there were yoga sessions and a fully qualified masseuse. If you were in a more reflective mood? Some visitors took some time out of their day to draw on our colouring wall to take their minds off things for a little while.